Did I mention I like the beach? Oh yeah probably mentioned that
Well this time there were other places to head to. I had training courses I was teaching in Baytown, Huntsville, San Marcos, and Fort Worth. It pretty much started as soon as I got off the train from New Orleans.
I'm a big fan of skylines especially at night and Houston has a great one
Usually the biggest course we do in Texas is in San Marcos home to Texas State University. We usually stay at a travel lodge there and I like to at least stop by the Bikini's Restaurant at least once while we are there.
Shameless I know but oh well
While teaching the course in the bay area of San Marcos PD we decided to pose with a Humvee in there for fun.
Cruz looks all professional I'm about the mean mug myself I gotta get better at it though
After San Marcos Cruz needed to head down to Corpus Christi his daughter was having a baby and he was about to become a Grandfather So I hitched a ride since I was staying with his family anyway. Here are a few pics from the car in Corpus and the surrounding area.
Windmills as an alternate energy source
After Corpus we hit up a party in Orange Grove. It was alot of fun and Cruz's relatives are great people. I ate way too much but it was too good not to.
I had to take a pic of this next anomaly. A stair stepper with a beer holder. That's something there!
Instead of going back to Houston that night we stopped in Woodsboro and stayed with Cruz's grandmother she had a couple extra rooms. It was about the best sleep I remember having. I'd met her once before and it was great to see her again. Check out the view.
If I had that view from my front porch it'd be hard to get me away from the house alligators be damned. There's alot of great things in Texas and I'm sure I haven't even scraped the surface so you'll be seeing alot of Texas in this blog.